Words for Mummy

Created by St Christophers Hospice 4 months ago
This is brief and just some very small sentiments that I wanted to share before we celebrate and give thanks for Mummy…..
May I begin by offering to Father Andrew our sincere thanks for this Holy Mass for Mummy here at St Patrick’s, it means so much to Daddy Lee, Mark and I and the children. Both Mummy and Daddy were born here in Wapping and who knew then that they would both find each other years later to begin their 70 years of their married life together. Mummys memories of Wapping and her early family life were imbedded in her memory, she loved coming back to celebrate the ‘Old Boys’ Mass each year and would happily share details of where her family lived and the details of their life. Each time she would show me where her granny sat in the church and I know she then felt the closeness and reassurance that this gave her. She loved telling us about the processions and the different priests and friends and events that they had and shared, it meant so much to her. It made her happy.
A few years ago as we were leaving Mass I was supporting Mummy as sadly she had begun to decline. As we were walking out she turned to me laughing and said…… Don’t you remember when we used to see the monkey playing up there on the roof…. pointing to the as was then the Turks Head pub opposite. My heart sank and I was distressed that this was another indication of the fuzziness of how she was thinking. I just had to ask her to explain and questioned her bonkers comment… as I then thought…. She thought for a while and then corrected herself and realised that I wouldn’t remember as it was me and not Auntie Tess and that she forgot she was talking to, laughing even more…. Thankfully then Auntie Tess was there and joined the conversation and quite matter of fact confirmed that indeed there was a monkey that used to be kept in the attic of the pub and was let out onto the roof to play like it was quite the norm….who knew!
Mummy’s family are her spirit. AuntieTess, UncleTony, Uncle Bernard and Vincent were hers and she loved them dearly. I am so grateful and comforted by you all here for sharing Mummys mass with us as I know she is. For Chris Jane Michael and Em that have travelled so far to be here as many of you. Thank you.
Each one of us know when we became part of Mummy’s life in so many ways, you then celebrated and loved her as I did. There is no need for her chronology we all paid a part. We all have our own relationship with her and the joys, kindness, stories and love that she gave us. She loved her family it meant so much to her and Daddy. Mummy and Daddy found each other and celebrated 70 years of marriage, happiness, laughter, hard work and love with us all. Daddy’s pure devotion to Mummy and understanding of the values that they both shared together is eternal. Over the last few years that love has never been more evident through Daddys selfless devotion and toil to what he thought was the best for Mummy and how he was going to achieve that for her. Lee, Mark and I were blessed with the help that they gave to us to parent the children, they both have loved their grandchildren and the new joy of Bowie their first great grandbaby. They helped us practically and without effort to make the children loved, encouraged and supported in all of their pathways. When life has been so busy with our three, Mum would be absolutely knowing what they were up to, where they were what their plans were… well lets not hope not all of it!! Kids grandma was so so proud of you all. You deserved her and Grandad back.
Mummy in her unassuming way achieved so much, her many qualifications and pathways enriched her life and I am so proud as is Daddy of how she accomplished this. Recently when Daddy was trying to describe to a health professional who had come to visit Mummy, a bit about her and her character and as she was before her mind failed her, he described her as the most intelligent person he knew. He was right, she did challenge thinking and definitely extended her mind as best she could. Her memory and recollection of detail was extraordinary and inheriting a McCartney trait always made a lovely story to share and for me to keep safe. Lee has inherited her intelligence and memory, I hope she shared other attributes with me…
Let it be said that Mummy ever got it wrong because I don’t think she did. She did her best always. The cruelty of how her mind declined and the lack of her dignity and communication has been heart breaking for us all. I am comforted that I know she enjoyed and celebrated her life, she felt blessed and I know that she is now restored and at peace. Lee reminded me recently about her saying…it was meant to be. It’s so accurate for her. How she enjoyed and accepted life.  Her journey is complete. I have said so many times over the last couple of years I just want her back with me for just five minutes more so she could talk to me again and know who I was. Five minutes could never be enough Mum…love and go on
I will love you forever; whatever happens. Till I die and after I die, and when I find my way out of the land of the dead, I’ll drift about forever, all my atoms, till I find you again… I’ll be looking for you, every moment, every single moment. And when we do find each other again, we’ll cling together so tight that nothing and no one’ll ever tear us apart. Every atom of me and every atom of you… We’ll live in birds and flowers and dragonflies and pine trees and in clouds and in those little specks of light you see floating in sunbeams… And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me, we’ll be joined so tight as we once were Mummy